Areas of expertises

The firm provides legal advice, and assists its clients at every stage of the proceedings.

Criminal law

The firm assists defendants at all stages of the proceedings. Its lawyers also advise and represents victims of offences or unvoluntary behaviors.

They assist and advise defendants in open hearings and police custody, and advise them following searches of their homes.

The firm’s support includes individual advice and assistance all along the proceedings. The firm’s lawyers are present alongside their clients at the arraignment, at the first appearance before the examining magistrate, at the interrogations, and at the trial, before the Criminal Court, the Court of Appeals and any other French courts.

They also carry out the post-sentencing phase : sentence adjustments before  the Sentence Enforcement Judge, the Sentence Enforcement Court.

They do their utmost to achieve the best results in the interests of the clients, whether individuals or corporate entities, who entrust their interests to them.

White-collar crime

Most of the firm’s lawyers specialise in white-collar crime.

They assist their clients at the pre-litigation stage, in particular by helping to assess the criminal risk arising from specific situations that have not been disclosed or from the very nature of their clients’ business, and by carrying out internal investigations into these issues (including corruption, influence peddling, harassment).

They draw on their knowledge of the legal system and the experience gained from the many cases they have handled in this area to develop a personalised strategy for each of their clients, whatever the issue: public or private corruption, favoritism, misappropriation of corporate assets, breach of trust, concealed work, illegal taking of interest, influence peddling, environmental offences, or breaches of any specific legislation.

They support and defend their clients during the investigation phase and before the courts or administrative authorities.

International criminal law

The firm has strong practice, as regards to extradition law, international and European arrest warrants and the transfer of convicted persons to enforce sentences, resulting from the practice of the lawyers and from daily work in English and Spanish. The firm also deals with Interpol notices.


The firm’s lawyers regularly act in defence of individuals and corporate entities prosecuted for criminal offences relating to breaches of tax obligations.

They assist individuals and corporate entities facing investigation and prosecution for tax fraud and the laundering and concealment of this offence.

Civil and commercial litigation

The firm handles general litigation cases, dealing with both civil and commercial disputes.

Press law

The firm assists and represents people who are the authors or victims of defamation, public insults or invasion of privacy and image rights, whether in print or online publications.

It also acts to protect e-reputation and online content deemed unlawful.

Red notice Interpol

MAZON ARNAUD DECONINCK is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by telephone and email, to assist any person who may find themselves in one of the situations described there.


The firm sets its fees in agreement with the client, in accordance with the rules of Bar association and in full transparency, taking into account both the stakes of the dispute and the client’s situation.