François MAZON

François MAZON

François MAZON decided to become a lawyer after 30 years in the corporate world in France and abroad, where he managed very large companies including Capgemini France (10,000 employees).

During his 30 years in the corporate world, he was directly confronted with the questions that executives face in criminal matters: how to prevent criminal risk? how to raise awareness among key managers? how to protect individual executives? how to set up effective delegations of authority? how to react to a search or police custody? how to defend oneself in criminal court? etc.

Combining the skills he has acquired in criminal law and procedure with a knowledge of the business world that is rare for a criminal lawyer, he has naturally specialized in white collar crime.

He regularly handles cases involving criminal law in the workplace (industrial accidents, undeclared work, bootlegging, obstruction offences, harassment, etc.), economic criminal law (corruption, favoritism, misuse of company assets, breach of trust, fraud, money laundering, etc.), consumer criminal law (deception, misleading commercial practices, etc.) and environmental criminal law.

He has also acted in several high-profile criminal trials.

In terms of consultancy, he has developed a tailor-made approach to training company directors in criminal risk, capitalizing on his own experience as a director faced with criminal justice and as a lawyer specializing in business criminal law.

François MAZON is an expert with the APM (Association pour le Progrès du Management) on the prevention of criminal risk for company directors, which has enabled him to speak to more than 3,500 directors.

He is regularly invited to speak on this subject at the HEC-BPI (Banque Publique d’Investissement) university for senior executives.

François MAZON is a member of the Strategic Committee of Sciences Po Law School.

He is an engineer from the Ecole Centrale de Paris, a graduate of SciencesPo (Institut d’Etudes de Politique de Paris), and holds a Master 1 in private law and criminal sciences from the University of Aix-en-Provence.

François MAZON is fluent in English, German and Japanese. (0) 6 83 15 63 88